
Posted: 21.09.2021

Chateau Chizay table grapes, when delicious is also useful

Chateau Chizay is about grapes! Yes, we are not only a winery, but also a wine company with 272 hectares of its own vineyards. Technical grapes of European varieties growing in Transcarpathia are our main business, pride and raw material for wine. At the same time, we grow grapes not only for wine, but also for tasting. And the grapes have great health benefits! Table grapes on the plantations of Chateau Chizay begin to ripen in the second half of August and are harvested within a few weeks.

Chateau Chizay grows white (Arcadia and Kesha) and pink (Sofia) table grapes. The grow on the best microterroir of Transcarpathia – in the area of Mala Gora, near Berehovo.

Chateau Chizay always cares about naturalness, the highest quality and the benefits of its products. The Company does not use drugs that extend the shelf life of berries, does not use the method of ripening during transportation or in a cold warehouse (unlike grapes, which are brought from afar). Consumers get fresh delicious Transcarpathian grapes straight from the vineyard!

Our table grapes are favorite among consumers. Large juicy bunches are to the taste of adults and children.

Grapes are very valuable plant that have accompanied and delighted mankind for thousands of years. Grape berries are not just a delicious miracle of nature, but also unique source of benefits.

A set of vitamins (including K and group B), microelements (including zinc, phosphorus, magnesium), fruit acids, flavonoids, many antioxidants – all this strengthens the body.


Grape juice 0,5l

Grape juice


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Grapes help to cleanse the blood, prevent blood clots, have a good effect on the kidneys and liver, in general on digestion, regulate metabolism. By the way, it is proven that despite the fact that grapes are sweet, they have the ability to prevent the development of diabetes and even lower blood sugar.

Grapes naturally increase the body’s defenses, that is, improve immunity. The use of juicy berries has a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system. Cure for chronic fatigue? That’s right: taste the bunches of grapes.

It is believed that among the properties of grapes is counteraction to chronic inflammation and even the prevention of cancer. And this is a real elixir of youth!

There is also a medical direction of grape healing, called ampelotherapy.

And it’s simply very tasty. Have time to enjoy fresh grapes!

By the way, we share a tip: if you are lucky enough to have more grapes than time to eat, you can freeze the berries and use them to cool white wine by throwing a few grapes in a glass.

May you always be joyful!

P.S. If you are the owner or manager of a trade enterprise or institution and want to please your customers and guests with fresh delicious Transcarpathian grapes, contact us! Direct Distribution Chateau Chizay: +38 050 685 09 90; partners@chizay.com.