
Posted: 02.06.2021

Compliments for rosé. Concerning the production and marketing of trendy wine at French-Ukrainian seminar

Within the framework of international cooperation program “Bordeaux – Transcarpathia” Chateau Chizay Academy, Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with participation of the Embassy of Ukraine in France held a seminar on rosé wine. Winemaking and marketing of wine: experts from Bordeaux region and representatives of Chateau Chizay took part in online open event for all those interested in these topics.

“Rosé” style wine is a trend in the world and maintains the growing tendency that it has been showing since 2008 according to French experts. By the way, France is the founder of rosé fashion, the most popular of the world’s rosé wines are created in Provence region. Today, the tendency to choose this wine is common to many countries around the world.

There is a theory that the first wines known in world history were exactly rosé. After all, ancient images found by archaeologists testify to the technology characteristic of creation of rosé wine. It is made from red grapes, but limiting the time of infusion of the juice on mezza (mass of berries with skins).

The production of rosé wine is also called “red on white”: created with the technology of white wine production, rosé is made from red varieties (pulp of red grapes, with few exceptions, is light, all dyes are contained in the skins). Adjust the time of contact with the skin, which will give color – it’s a matter of skill of winemakers. The technology of making rosé has several options: from “bloodletting” to maceration.


Rosé Pinot Noir

Chateau Chizay

179 UAH

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During the online meeting “Rosé wine – technology, marketing, market trends” within Chateau Chizay Academy, participants talked about the most important processes and subtleties associated with rosé wine.

Guillerme Martins, oenologist, PhD in Microbiology and Biotechnology, High School of Agriculture in Bordeaux, spoke about the vinification of rosé wines, technology of production and the impact of the variety for different types and styles of wine. He told in detail about grape varieties, of which rosés are made in France and the world in general, production processes, in particular, the use of sulfur dioxide and other nuances.

Stéphane Badet, professor of economics and winemaking at the Lyceum of Bordeaux, Blanquefort, spoke about the rosé wine market in the world.

Yes, rosé remains a global trend and the production of rosé wine is growing every year. Mr. Stéphane touched on the topic of different styles of rosés, highlighted trends in marketing and consumption, success factors. For example, the professor illustrated in detail the differences in the design of rosé bottles, which differ significantly from the design of classic red wines.

Zoltan Udvargely, chief winemaker of Chateau Chizay, shared his experience of creating the Chateau Chizay rosé. Among the prerequisites for its quality is that both the grapes and the time of its collection are carefully selected for rosé wine and transported very quickly for primary production in order to preserve the maximum freshness, which is reflected in the delicate palette of aromas and flavours.


Rosé Pinot Noir from Chateau Chizay has an elegant moderately bright pink hue, and the harmony of aroma and taste is associated with scattering of berries, has light citrus notes and refreshing sourness.

Rosé wine from Chateau Chizay is on a par with the successful rosés of Europe, said French experts.

Experts emphasize that the rosé wine from Ukrainian winery Chateau Chizay has excellent quality and fully complies with the global trend for rosé wines, which testifies to its success with consumers and international wine competitions.

By the way, in addition to famous rosé from the world-famous Pinot Noir (which has already become one of the bestsellers of the Winery), last year Chateau Chizay for the first time made rosé wine from the popular Central European variety Blaufrankisch. In the autumn of 2020 it was the release of young wine, and in the spring of 2021 Blaufrankisch rosé decorated the limited line “Sakura of Transcarpathia”. The wine is distinctly fresh, has an original hue and delicate aroma and taste.

Chateau Chizay wants everyone to find an opportunity to enjoy quality Ukrainian rosé.

Chateau Chizay Academy is preparing for the new stages of the program “Bordeaux – Transcarpathia” and hopes that soon it will be possible to conduct events not only online.