
Posted: 17.06.2020

Ready for spring! Winter pruning of grapes in the vineyards of Chateau Chizay is completed

Getting ready for spring – saying goodbye to winter. In the last days of winter – the last touches of preparation for spring. Chateau Chizay vineyards: work is in full swing! The cycle of seasonal work is completed by pruning grapes.



Winter pruning was held in the most beautiful vineyards of Ukraine, where you can find Muscat Ottonel, Traminer Pink, Sauvignon, Chersegi Fuseres (exclusively grown in Ukraine only by Chateau Chizay), Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon.

There are only a few plots left, and one of the last – Rhine Riesling variety in the area of Mala Gora, near Berehovo.

Winter pruning of vines is a mandatory procedure for obtaining a quality harvest, – says the winemaker of Chateau Chizay Gennadiy Vachylia:

“Initially, a team of growers led by a Hungarian consultant, György Rovży, determines the type of pruning and the shape of the grape bush. Most often it is the cordon [guyot] method, when the vine grows horizontally in the form of two “shoulders”.

Pruning should begin after frost, when the sap stops flowing in the bush and the leaves fall off, the vine is ripe and woody. On each of the so-called “sleeves” there is usually from 6 to 10 buds, depending on the length of a branch.

In general, this process is very important, because it induces the further type of harvest and the quality of the final product – wine.



Chateau Chizay

179 UAH

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Proper formation of the bush allows the grapes to get plenty of solar heat, and even get well ventilated. Masterful pruning of the vine, therefore, also protects the grapes from diseases.

The Company also works properly with the branches remaining after pruning. They are not thrown away and not burned. Growers place cut sprouts in between rows, then a special tractor grinds (mulches) them converting into ecological fertilizer for grape bushes.

Viticultural processes are a very interesting and perhaps the most labor-intensive part of winemaking, admits the founder of Chateau Chizay Gennadiy Gutman.

“We create wine only from our own harvest. To do this, plantations of European and local varieties were laid in three districts of the region. The 272 hectares of vineyards that Chateau Chizay grows are beauty and, yes, our daily concern. Constant thoughtful and hard work of the team, 12 months a year. We should not assume that everything stops in winter – we take care of grapes in December, January and February just as carefully”, says Mr Gutman.

He explains: “Winegrowers say that each bush should be approached at least 12 times a season. This is the required minimum. We have 1 million 88 thousand vines. You can imagine the scale of the work. But the result is worth it!





For several years we have been experimenting with Hungarian consultants György Rovży and Zoltan Schlezák and the whole team of Chateau Chizay growers, introducing new vine care technologies, interesting pruning schemes, limiting harvest… Grape vines are grateful.

We are happy with the quality of grape of not only traditionally white varieties, but also red, which previously in our region did not always ripe perfectly. But now, thanks to the correct pruning of the bushes and their formation, we have especially valuable red wines, which we put in oak barrels for aging.”

“We invite you to taste Chateau Chizay wines. It is said that wine tastes best where it was born. But wherever we uncork a bottle of our wine, in every drop, believe me, there is a notable passion with which we treat our business. Our vineyards, which are the pride of Ukraine, are definitely worth seeing”, says Gennadiy Gutman.

As the calendar spring approaches, Chateau Chizay growers say the mild winter has not damaged the grapes. The vine is fast asleep, despite the noticeable warming, the night cold did not allow the amount of temperature to wake it up in advance.

Of course, in a few weeks the appearance of the vineyards will change – the vines will start to wake up, the first buds will appear. However, even sudden March frosts should not harm the bushes.

Looking forward to spring, the Company, together with all fellow growers, hopes for a successful year, good harvests and wonderful wine in autumn. By the way, Chateau Chizay reports: the celebration of Young Wine – 2020 will take place on 21 November.