
Posted: 03.07.2022

Gennadiy Gutman: “We are waiting for the Victory and implementing new projects in Ukraine!”

Winemaking during the war. It would seem “out of time”? Not at all. An important branch of the economy, also significant for Transcarpathia, vineyards, which is a symbol of the region, jobs, taxes and exports. This is what the Company’s founder Gennadiy Gutman says. And additionally about new projects of one of the leading wineries in Ukraine and a new sparkling wine from Chateau Chizay.


– So, Mr. Gutman, can we finally announce about a new production from Chateau Chizay?

– Yes, the production of grape alcohols and beverages based on them is technologically ready.

The commissioning of alcohol cellar officially took place on February 21 and the certification and execution of all documents was completed, ready for launch, which would have already begun if not for the war.

We can start in a short period of time. Capacity – 63 thousand decalitres.





– But that’s not all the news?

– Yes, I will say more. After completing this construction, we are starting another large-scale project. It is ambitious and somewhat unexpected for Transcarpathia. Although Ukraine is at war, we are working to create new production, because we believe in Victory. This proves that even today our state attracts investment, can develop businesses, create something new and then introduce to the market, including international, quality products, world-class products made in Ukraine. With this we are waiting for the Victory!

– … And we are waiting for it with something new from Chateau Chizay?

It’s time to reveal this news too. It happened so, that just before the start of a full-scale war, we were ready to lay the first batch of sparkling wine made by the classical method. For two seasons we have been creating Carpathian Sekt, sparkling wine based on the Sharma-Martinotti method, which foreign friends sometimes compare to prosecco. And the logical continuation of this successful page is, of course, the creation of wine with the second fermentation in the bottle. This is a more sophisticated method, the same technology as for classic French champagne.

Our future innovations are also in line with the philosophy of creating unique wines from local grape varieties: white sparkling wine from Chersegi variety and pink from Kékfrankos (also called Blaufrankish). My team and I held a tasting before putting grapes into barrels, and everything says: it is worth waiting for a very interesting wine. Despite the fact that the production started at uneasy time, but, of course, with thoughts about all Ukrainians, Ukraine and Victory.

I sincerely believe that we will soon uncork the classic sparkling wine from Transcarpathia on this occasion. By the way, in the coming weeks we are ready to pour a batch of new Carpathian Sekt, a rose from the Blaufrankish variety. We see that currently its main market is abroad, for export. But those who want to buy in Ukraine will be able to do so in the coming days.

– By the way, has the world’s attention to wine from Ukraine increased??

Of course. Because the attention to Ukraine itself is huge. I and my team are sincerely grateful to all our foreign partners! Dozens of emails, calls, expressions of support, help – it’s inspiring, thank you very much, friends! And, without a doubt, we note the growing interest in Ukrainian wine – new countries have been added to our export portfolio. Now, in addition to recent deliveries to Japan, it is, for example, Estonia and China. We continue active cooperation with the United Kingdom, etc.



– Promotion of Ukraine through wine?..

Yes, together with fellow winemakers we held joint presentations of Ukrainian wines at the most powerful exhibition in Germany, in Dusseldorf – Pro Wein. We are also waiting for new cooperation projects in the United States, where we are also presenting wines to potential partners. We prove that Ukrainian products deserve attention and respect in the world, and we hope that Ukrainians will choose products created in Ukraine, and this applies to all industries.

This is very urgent now: to support Ukraine’s economy in every possible way. Especially when the product meets the highest quality standards. Since we all really need victories now, I will immodestly remind the pleasant thing: Chateau Chizay wines won three medals of  Paris Wine Cup – 2022, including “gold” for the «Troyanda Karpat» (“Rose of the Carpathians”).

– How did the work of Winery change during the war?

Undoubtedly, very much. And I’m not just talking about problems with logistics, fuel, supply of components, from bottles to labels, and their sharp rise in price… These are completely new concerns: the safety of the team, support of the military and refugees, the pain for friends-winemakers whose businesses have been affected, worries of water in the southern regions, which we seek to help…

But traditionally, we take care of grapes. It does not know what war is, and it is our duty to take care of it. Even now, after arriving from the United States for a few days, I primarily inspected the vineyards on Mala Gora, making sure that the cool spring, as we predicted, did not harm the vine in any way, on the contrary… We must work: a lot and responsibly.

We resumed the work of the branded store in the Chateau, began hosting some tours, restored the supply to retail chains in Ukraine (of course, where it is possible), and restarted the online store. So everyone who is safe now can taste a glass of wine made in Ukraine.