
Posted: 01.07.2021

“Bordeaux – Transcarpathia”: training for mutual success. Chateau Chizay Academy has continued open seminars for winemakers and tourism professionals

The events of the Bordeaux – Transcarpathia International Cooperation Program took place in the westernmost region of Ukraine. On May 27 and 28, experts from the world’s leading wine region conducted training for winemakers, wine and tourism professionals, teachers and students of relevant specialties. The program was launched in 2019 by Chateau Chizay Academy in order to achieve joint success through joint development: winemaking, tourism, Transcarpathia, Ukraine.

“Winemaking is a chance for tourism, and tourism is a chance for winemaking,” said Stefan Bade, professor of economics and winemaking at the Lyceum of Bordeaux, Blancfort.

He gave a lecture on the development of tourism in Bordeaux, entitled “From zero to 4.3 million tourists a year”. The expert described in detail the path of the Bordeaux region from a winery, but not very popular with visitors to a stunningly active tourist center.

The area of ​​Bordeaux vineyards reaches 112 thousand hectares, there are about 6600 wineries, they create the most valuable wines in the world. And the attendance of tourists to the pandemic was approaching the figure of 5 million guests a year.

The recipe for success is concerted action by all those who can join development: from government to the private sector. In particular, a lot of work to promote Bordeaux and organize the reception of the Tourist Office.



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“Uniting around the idea of ​​joint development is exactly what Transcarpathia needs today. You have great potential: good location, natural attractions, mountains, thermal baths, delicious cuisine and wine that is worthy to be presented to guests from around the world. It is worth adding work on logistics and promotion – and you will succeed. Of course, it is worth uniting and working hard for this!”, – says Stefan Bade.

Guillermo Martins, oenologist, PhD in Microbiology and Biotechnology, Bordeaux School of Agriculture, taught in detail about the practical topics of winemaking, the subtleties of technologies for creating white, rosé and red wines.

His lectures are interesting to all guests, and the greatest benefit to practitioners. Thus, Transcarpathian winemakers, who are called “small”, noted that the information provided by the oenologist in two intensive seminars saved them many months of searching for data in various sources, and most likely even years spent on unsuccessful experiments. Each lecture raised many specific questions and Mr. Guillermo willingly advised winemakers and students in viticulture and winemaking.

The curator of Chateau Chizay Academy, vice-president of the wine company Chateau Chizay Igor Radomyselsky emphasized:

“It took Bordeaux tourism 30 years to succeed. We, Transcarpathia, have a chance to do it faster. Of course, if you already work. Winemaking can be the driving force behind this”.


“But above all, we must develop a wine culture. And the Bordeaux – Transcarpathia Program is aimed at improving the level of winemaking in the region, so there is a strong emphasis on practitioners and students. Transcarpathian wine should be associated with a quality product! This is almost the first goal of the project.

Today, according to statistics, a Ukrainian consumes 4 liters of wine a year, but much more strong drinks. In France, the numbers are the opposite – more than 10 times more wine is consumed there, and health and life expectancy are much higher.

Reducing the consumption of vodka and cheap beer, raising the amount of quality wine is about health, and about job creation, economic development, and the development of the region in general.

In the development of tourism in Transcarpathia should rely on winemaking. The more decent wineries we have, the better for everyone. That is why we invest efforts and resources in training and are grateful to our partners for their support!”, – says Mr. Ihor.

Participants of the Bordeaux – Transcarpathia Program also visited the Mala Gora vineyard near Berehove, where they took soil samples at various sites for research. So – there will be more…