
Posted: 23.06.2020

Chersegi. Our golden wine

White wine is usually about fragility. Often – about freshness and floral mood. Sometimes – about a special character. And it’s all about Chersegi. Unique Ukrainian wine from Chateau Chizay.

Chersegi – only Chateau Chizay produces wine of this variety in Ukraine.

One of the company’s favorite varieties  is more than half a century old. It is a guest from Hungary. In 1960, a breeder Caro Baconi bred new grapes by crossing the noble Traminer Pink and Irshai Oliver. The full name of the new variety is Cserszegi fűszeres (Hungarian: Cserszegi fűszeres).

According to the founder of Chateau Chizai Gennadiy Gutman, Chersegi is in line with the company’s philosophy: to make wine is not of just exceptional quality, but special, the one that has its own character. And this variety, native to the Carpathian macro terroir, worthily represents the winery in Ukraine and abroad.


Fedir Shandor

Professor, President of the Regional Tourist Association of Zakarpattia

"Varieties like Chersegi are the hope of Transcarpathian winemaking. It makes no sense to compete with the world leaders like France and Australia, for example, in the production of Syrah, or with leading producers, say, Chardonnay - Chile and New Zealand. It is worth developing something special. It is an opportunity to express ourselves, to stand out in the market. And also - to attract the attention of wine gourmets who are interested in tasting something new and unknown, to discover regional Transcarpathian wine, and, thus, to discover Transcarpathia, Ukraine. By the way, attention to local varieties is a world trend. I advise all winemakers of our region to pay attention to special, rare grapes, to make them their speciality. These are, in particular, White Muskats, Bakator, Mueller Thurgau, and from the red also Dornfelder, Zweigelt. As for Chersegi Fuseres, it is an absolute hit in the bull’s eye! Our two prides - Irshai Oliver and Traminer, that are already a legend - gave birth to the third pride. This is what Transcarpathia can be proud of! I was happy to see how at international wine forums and competitions tasters, sommelier are not just surprised - they are impressed by Chersegi. Congratulations to the company for producing such a wonderful wine!”


Chateau Chizay

179 UAH

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Transcarpathia is considered the land of white wines (although red wines are often exemplary, we have evidence of this!). And, according to the sales director of the Chateau Chizay winery, sommelier Alexander Meresiy, we can draw a parallel with the Hungarian region of Tokaj, which is famous for its white wines, Muscats in particular.

“Chersegi varietal wine can become a business card of our region. This is a unique local variety. The crossing of Traminer and Irshai Oliver grapes gave it a special bouquet, with a combination of sweet floral aromas of the first and spicy taste of the second. It’s an interesting combination, which can’t be find anywhere else in Ukraine. This variety loves our region and gives good results.

Our Chersegi is our pride. In Hungary, in 2017, Chersegi was among seven of our wines that won gold medals at the 25th International Wine Competition as part of the Bukkaljai Borfesztival in Eger. Hungarian Secretary of State Ondras Taloi presented the commemorative Chateau Chizay as the best winemaker in Europe. At the “blind” tasting, Chersegi wine from Chateau Chizay defeated Hungarian samples of wines of this variety. In 2018, at the international exhibition with the tasting competition Wine & Spirits Ukraine Awards in Kyiv, all 9 wines that we submitted for evaluation received awards. Of course, Chersegi also deserved its medal. “

Transcarpathia is a unique region, there is a special ecosystem, a combination of natural factors, such as soil and climate, it is called terroir. Transcarpathia is the warmest region in this latitude, and still has a very good rate of natural precipitation. The temperature regime is also favorable, because, in addition to the fact that the vine is heat-loving, for certain varieties the temperature difference is too important, for example, when we have 30 degrees of heat during the day and only 10 at night. This allows the grapes to acquire interesting conditions, such as the desired acidity, which is especially valuable for white wines. After all, we evaluate in grapes not only the sugar content, on which the strength depends, but the sum of factors that will make a good wine. And Chersegi belongs to the varieties that are best suited to the terroir of Transcarpathia, – the company’s growers and winemakers say.



Tibor Godor, the production manager of Chateau Chizay, says that it is interesting to work with Chersegi. This grape is demanding, needs attention, but responds to it very gratefully. During the care of the vine, which is, in particular, seasonal pruning, the growers of Chateau Chizay use the technology of limiting the yield. The aim is not to overload the bush and get the best wine as a result.

“The smaller the harvest from the grape bush is- the better and  more valuable each grape is. This is a European practice, and it is a principle that we apply to wineries. Indeed, without limiting the yield, you can make more wine. But this operation is necessary to create an outstanding wine.”

Noble varietal white wine in general is quite versatile in terms of consumption and gastronomic combinations. Of course, it should not be combined with heavy dishes, with too spicy, so as not to interfere to reveal the natural spice of wine.

Like most white wines, Chersegi from Chateau Chizai needs a classic glass, slightly elongated, to collect all the rich aromas. Should be served in the range of 7-13 degrees Celsius.

Following these rules, as well as good company, is enough to fully enjoy this wine: a fragile and rich bouquet will do its work!

And, without a doubt, Chersegi from Chateau Chizai is a perfect gift from Transcarpathia!